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Energy Insights: 7 Ways Tenants & Renters Can Reduce Their Monthly Energy Bills

Energy Insights: 7 Ways Tenants & Renters Can Reduce Their Monthly Energy Bills

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Too often apartment and condo renters believe there is a little they can do to help save on their monthly energy bills. While it is true making any type of structure improvements like caulking windows or adding weather stripping can be a violation of your lease agreement, there are still many things renters and tenants can do to be more energy-efficient and help reduce their monthly energy bills.

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1. Reach out to your landlord

Whether you are renting a home, condo or in an apartment complex, it is the responsibility of your landlord to ensure needed repairs or upgrades are made. Should you notice areas that could be costing you on your energy bills, like drafty windows or an HVAC system that is isn’t working properly, be sure to report. Making needed structure repairs can be the most effective way to help reduce your monthly energy bills. 

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2. Use ceiling fans to help fans reduce AC usage

Ceiling fans can be a great way to help circulate air throughout your apartment or condo and can help reduce how much you need to use your AC in the spring and summer time. When temperatures are cool or mild, opening your windows when using the ceiling fan can help make your apartment or condo more comfortable.

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3. Only use the oven when you need to

In smaller square footage dwellings like apartments or condos, using the oven can create extra heat, possibly causing to your AC to run more often. When possible, using a microwave or toaster oven can help reduce the extra heat your oven may cause and give your AC unit an extra break.

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4. Check the setting on your refrigerator

Of all the appliances in your apartment or condo, the refrigerator can be one of the biggest energy consumers. Set refrigerator temperature to 36 to 39 degrees Fahrenheit to ensure your refrigerator is running at the optimum temperature setting.

5. Stop air leaks from drafty doors and windows

If you find areas where air is leaking outside from windows or doors that might not be properly sealed, be sure to report his to your landlord as soon as possible and ask them to make the necessary improvements. In the meantime, you can help reduce the amount of air that leaks through windows and doors by purchasing draft stoppers that go under the door.


6. Hang curtains to help reduce sunlight

Hanging light-colored curtains or blinds will help reflect the sun and keep the heat out during warm spring and hot summer days. Keeping curtains and blinds closed during the day will help reduce the amount of sunlight that comes into your apartment or condo and help keep temperatures inside down.

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7. Don’t block air vents

When arranging furniture in your apartment or condo, be sure not to cover or block air vents. Blocking air vents can redirect air where you don’t need it, such as the wall behind your couch and cause your AC to run much longer than needed.


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