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7 Smart Back-to-School Energy-Saving Tips

7 Smart Back-to-School Energy-Saving Tips

Returning to school can bring a mix of anticipation and busy schedules for families. Amidst the hustle and bustle, it is simple to overlook the potential effects of these changes on our energy consumption. Here are 7 Smart back-to-school energy-saving tips to keep in mind as the school year starts to help with a smooth transition!

  1. Smart Thermostat Adjustments

    While no one is home during the school day, lower the thermostat to reduce energy consumption for heating or cooling. Smart thermostats can automatically adjust temperatures according to your schedule. Adjust the settings to begin cooling or heating your home shortly before everyone returns, guaranteeing comfort without unnecessary expenses.

  2. Teacher’s Pet Meal Preparations

    Busy school mornings mean breakfast on the go and packing lunches. Use energy-efficient kitchen appliances like toaster ovens or microwaves, which consume less electricity than traditional ovens. Planning meals can also reduce the frequency and duration of appliance use, adding to savings.

  3. A+ Laundry Practices

    Laundry loads can increase due to school uniforms and sports uniforms. Using cold water and ensuring each cycle is full can significantly decrease the energy used when washing clothes. Think about drying clothes naturally and attempt to wash clothes during non-peak energy times.

  4. Intelligent Lighting Solutions

    Invest in LED bulbs that use at least 75% less energy than traditional incandescent bulbs. Encourage your family to always turn off lights when leaving a room. For added efficiency, use timers or smart lighting systems that can be controlled remotely to ensure lights aren’t left on unnecessarily.

  5. Power Down Electronics

    Computers, tablets, and other electronics should be powered down when not in use. Use power strips to turn off multiple devices simultaneously, preventing them from drawing power even when turned off. This will also helps protect your devices from power surges.

  6. It’s Clever to Seal and Insulate

    Check for drafts around doors and windows and use weather stripping or caulk to seal them. Proper insulation in your home keeps the desired temperature stable, reducing the burden on your cooling system and saving energy. Keeping cool air inside where it belongs by weather-stripping and caulking leaks can reduce your energy bill by up to 10%.

  7. Bright Ways to Promote Green Transportation  

    If possible, encourage walking or biking to school to reduce reliance on fuel-based transportation. Carpooling is another great option to save on fuel costs and decrease overall vehicle emissions, benefiting both your wallet and the environment.

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