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7 Cool Ways to Save Energy This Summer

7 Cool Ways to Save Energy This Summer

Summer is quickly approaching, and temperatures are rising fast. Unfortunately, the A/C will work overtime to keep your home cool and comfortable. The 7 tips below are simple actions you can take to reduce your energy usage and potentially help lower your energy bills this summer.

 Check Your Air Conditioning

Your air conditioner requires regular maintenance to function efficiently throughout  the season of service. Neglecting necessary maintenance ensures poor performance and unnecessarily high energy use. In addition, checking the coils, fins, evaporative cooler, and heat pump may require the services of a professional.

Set It and Forget It

A programmable or smart thermostat can help keep your home cool when needed–and avoid running your air conditioner when you don't. With a consistent schedule, you can automatically set your thermostat to an efficient 78 degrees (25 degrees Celsius) at home and 83 degrees (28 degrees Celsius) at work or away.

Cook Outside

Summer is a prime opportunity to enjoy the great outdoors. To reduce energy use, avoid using your oven when possible. Instead, take it outside - use a grill. Not only will it eliminate the electricity used to power the stove, but it will also avoid raising the temperature inside your home, reducing the need for air conditioning or cooling.

Get an Energy-Efficient Dehumidifier

In hot, humid climates, a dehumidifier is a perfect partner to your A/C and a great way to lower humidity levels in your home. In addition, a dehumidifier helps lower energy costs because your A/C won't have to work as hard. When the air in your home is too humid, your air conditioner is doing double duty—cooling the air and removing moisture.

Not Using It? Unplug It

Even appliances that are turned off still use small amounts of electricity, known as "phantom loads." Turn off the lights, unplug lamps, TVs, appliances, and anything else you are not using. While the impact of these small individual actions may seem insignificant, every little bit helps to add up to greater electricity and cost savings.

Replace Your Air Filter

Replacing your air filter is one of the easiest and most effective things you can do to ensure that your A/C runs smoothly and efficiently. Clogged, dirty filters block normal airflow and reduce your air conditioner's ability to absorb heat. Replacing a dirty filter with a clean one can lower your A/C's energy usage by up to 15%. Clean or replace your air conditioning system's filter every month or two for maximum efficiency. Filters need more frequent attention if your A/C is in constant use, is subject to excessive dust, or if you have fur-shedding pets.

Use Caulk to Keep the Cool Air In 

Cool air can quickly escape from your home through doors, windows, and other small gaps. Minimizing the loss of cool air and warm air infiltration can considerably improve your home's efficiency, especially during the summer. To maintain your home's thermal envelope, use caulk to seal any gaps and install weather-stripping around windows and doors to increase efficiency further.


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