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DIY Energy Saving Projects: Attic Stairs Cover Box

DIY Energy Saving Projects: Attic Stairs Cover Box

In many homes, poorly insulated and leaky attic access stairs provide an opportunity to improve comfort and save energy and money. You can air seal and insulate the attic stairs opening by building your own insulated cover box or purchasing a kit or pre-built box.

Treat the attic stairs access as you would an opening to the outdoors. Regardless of the type of insulation you use for your attic access, it is important to thoroughly air seal the opening.

To optimize savings and comfort, the attic stairs cover box must:

  • Be durable enough to withstand repeated openings and closings

  • Have an R-value similar to the rest of the attic insulation

  • Provide an air seal.

Attic Step 1.png
Attic Step 2.png
Attic Step 3.png
Attic Step 4.png

Source: energy.gov

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