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Gas or Electric: Which dryer is more energy efficient?

Gas or Electric: Which dryer is more energy efficient?

After the refrigerator, clothes dryers are the second most energy-hungry appliances in the home. It therefore makes sense to find the most energy efficient models on the market in order to save as much energy and as much money as possible. The average gas dryer uses around 50% less power per load than electric dryers - that’s quite a saving!  One of the cons for a gas dryer is that is cost more at purchase and is recommended to have it professional installed, which can also be expensive.

What is the real difference between a gas and electric dryer?


There are a number of important considerations when choosing a gas or an electric dryer. There are price and energy usage concerns as well as distinct pros and cons of each type.


The gas dryer does win the most energy efficient of the two dryers.

The choice between a gas or electric dryer can be made very simple. If your house does not have a gas line, then an electric dryer is your best (or only) option.

If your house has a gas line, then you can choose between either type.  Gas Dryers are far more energy efficient in the long run, however electric dryers are easier on the current budget if purchasing a new one. 

Source: godekers.com thespruce.com

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