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Which water heater is best for your home?

Which water heater is best for your home?

When selecting a new water heater for your home, choose a water heating system that will not only provide enough hot water but also that will do so energy efficiently, saving you money.


How to decide which water heater is best for you?

When deciding which water heater is better for you, you will need to decide if your bank account can handle the initial cost of the tankless water heater because it will save you more money over time. However, if that option is not possible for you, then a storage tank heater might make more sense for your budget.  Make sure to do your research and reach out to a licensed professional plumber if you have additional questions about which water heater is best for you!

Source:  assuredcomfort.com/news/tank-vs-tankless-water-heater-which-one energy.gov

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