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Spring & Summer Safety Tips for Pets- From the Experts at PetSmart Charities®

Spring & Summer Safety Tips for Pets- From the Experts at PetSmart Charities®

XOOM Energy is partnered with PetSmart Charities on a mission to help end pet homelessness and connect people with their future furry pets!  Thanks to the experts at PetSmart Charities, The Wire is bringing your Spring & Summer Safety Tips for your Pets. 


PetSmart Charities Expert:  Dr. Amanda Landis-Hanna  Sr. Manager, Veterinary Outreach

Welcome to Spring!  While sunshine is a friendly reminder ofwarmer weather to come, there are a few things to keep in mind as you and yourpet enjoy the outdoors in the weeks ahead:


Skin cancer is a serious concern, and certain breeds, such as American Bulldogs and Staffordshire Terriers can be particularly predisposed to developing skin cancer in areas of the body where there is not much hair, including the groin.  When they go out to sunbathe that skin is exposed to UV rays - the same as our skin.  And while a dog may not be concerned with premature aging on his tummy, skin cancer is a big deal.  Remember to apply sunscreen to your dog’s belly, and other areas exposed to the sun.  Dog sunscreen works, as does pediatric sunscreen.  You can even put an adorable T-shirt on your dog if you’d like!


Heat Exposure

NEVER leave your dog in the car.  Even in the shade.  Even with a window down.  Even if it will only be 5 minutes.  Many cases of heat stress and heat stroke stem from the misconception that the temperature isn’t hot enough, or “you’ll be right back.” DO NOT make this mistake, please!  Always take your pet inside with you, or if you are going somewhere you can’t take him, leave him at home for his own safety.



How is your dog’s skin right now?  Is she comfortable, or is she itching up a storm?  This time of year, many pets have allergy flare-ups due to atopy, or inhaled allergens.  If you notice itching, chewing, licking or rubbing, allergies may be to blame.  Ear infections and skin infections often come along for the ride as well.  If your dog is itching mildly, a weekly moisturizing bath with an oatmeal-based shampoo can be very soothing. If bathing her isn’t sufficient, talk with your veterinarian.  She might have an infection or may need medication to be more comfortable.  Remember, allergies are not just an annoyance.  Allergies create inflammation, which can be painful for your pet.  Don’t ignore it, treat it!


For more information on PetSmart Charities, visit petsmartcharities.org.

To learn more about how you can help end pet homelessness as you power your home visit xoomenergy.com/petsmart-charities. 

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