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Dive into Pool Safety- National Water Safety Month

Dive into Pool Safety- National Water Safety Month

May is National Water Safety Month and with the summer months approaching, swimming is one of the most popular activities. If you’re looking to have family and friends over to enjoy a day in the pool, now is the perfect time to ensure that you and your loved ones are prepared for a safe and fun time. 

National Water Safety Month is a great time to remind all of us as we dive into pool season that a focus on safety is critical.  Here are 8 Pool Safety Tips to make sure the warmer months in the water are as safe as possible. 

  • Never leave a child unattended in or near the water. Even if a lifeguard is present, parents and caregivers should still take the responsibility of being a designated Water Watcher- an adult tasked with supervising children in the water.

  • Teach children how to swim.Swimming is not only fun, but it’s also a lifesaving skill.

  • Teach children to stay away from drains. Do not play or swim near drains or suction outlets, especially in spas and shallow pools, and never enter a pool or spa that has a loose, broken or missing drain cover.

  • Install proper barriers. A fence of at least four feet in height should surround the pool or spa on all sides and should not be climbable for children. The water should only be accessible through a self-closing, self-latching gate.

  • Install alarms for doors that lead to the pool area. Install a door alarm from the house to the pool area, and keep pool and spa covers in working order.

  • Post CPR instructions and learn the procedures.

  • Keep rescue equipment poolside. Don’t wait for the paramedics to arrive because you will lose valuable life-saving seconds.

  • Keep a first aid kit at poolside.

Here are some other great resources for poolsafety tips! 



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