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Happy National Cut Your Energy Costs Day!

Happy National Cut Your Energy Costs Day!

January 10th is National Cut Your Energy Costs Day!  To celebrate The Wire brings you mind-blowing energy facts...


Bright Idea

If every American home swapped just five incandescent bulb fixtures for Energy Star CFLs, it would keep 1 trillion pounds of greenhouse gases out of the air and save $6.5 billion in energy costs.


Black Out 

The world’s biggest blackout occurred on August 14, 2004, when a massive power outage occurred across the northeastern U.S. and throughout Ontario, Canada, affecting 50 million people.


On average, one pool pump consumes electricity equal to 44% of the annual electricity consumption of a typical California household. There are over 7 million pools in America.



Approximately 75% of the electricity used in most American homes is used while the product is turned off. Idle power is a major energy consumer, with the average desktop computer using 80 watts of electricity while turned off.

Blown Away

During its lifetime, a single ceiling light fixture can use as much as $5,000 of electricity.

References:  Real Simple, Fact Retriever , Electric Choice

What is a Kilowatt-Hour?  kWh Explained.

What is a Kilowatt-Hour? kWh Explained.