XOOM Xtras: Start Getting Rewarded Today!
Deals, discounts, and prizes just for being a loyal XOOM Energy customer! XOOM Xtras is the free customer loyalty program available to all XOOM Energy customers in the United States and Canada. XOOM Xtras members have the opportunity to participate in fun activities, such as games and trivia. Rewards are awarded as Koiyn (points) that can be redeemed for gift cards, memberships, and money-saving goods & services- all for free!
How to Register for XOOM Xtras
It's easy to become a part of XOOM Xtras. To register:
1. Go to xoomxtras.com/registration
2. Enter your customer information
3. Join
4. Start earning.
How Can You Earn Rewards?
How to Redeem Your Koiyn
Now for the exciting part, as a XOOM Xtras member you can use your Koiyn (points) for merchandise and gift cards from top name brands in dining, shopping, and movie theaters! You can also redeem your points for Club Program memberships or donate to social good programs.
XOOM Xtras Helps You Save
With XOOM Xtras Deals and Discounts you can save money for travel, shopping, and dining out from retailers and restaurants in your area. In addition you can get cash back for online purchases when you visit the Cash Back Mall.
Ready to start getting rewarded? To enroll with XOOM Xtras visit xoomxtras.com.