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Water Conservation: 7 Easy Ways to Save Water in the Bathroom

Water Conservation: 7 Easy Ways to Save Water in the Bathroom

One of the smallest rooms in your home can use the most water throughout the day. Long showers or frequent flushing of the toilet can use more water than what you might believe. The good news is there is lots of opportunities for ways to help conserve water in the bathroom with these 7 helpful tips.

1. Install a low-flow toilet

If your bathrooms have an older model toilet, consider replacing it with a new low-flow toilet that uses no more 1.6 gallons per flush. If installing a new toilet right now isn’t an option, a quick hack can be to add a plastic soda bottle filled with water to the tank. The filled soda bottle will help take up space in the tank and use less water with each flush.


2. Collect water during showers

Those first couple of minutes waiting on the water to heat up can use several gallons of water. If you have plants or shrubs you water often, consider putting a bucket in the shower to collect the water that might be wasted when you first turn on the shower. Use this water for the flowers and plants around the home.

3. Swap out your showerhead

Speaking of showers, changing out your old showerhead for a new model can significantly help reduce water usage. Newer low-flow showerheads use less than 2 gallons of water per minute, compared to older models than can use more than 6 gallons per minute. When you hear “low-flow” it might sound like a less water pressure. No need to worry, low-flow showerheads offer the same satisfying spray as less efficient models.


4. Repair leaking faucets and toilets

Leaky faucets and toilets can waste a surprising amount of water and drive up your monthly water bill. Consider repairing these leaks yourself or contacting a certified plumbing specialist to discuss your options.

5. Add a faucet aerator

Adding a faucet aerator can be one of the quickest and easiest ways to save water around your house. You can find faucet aerators online or at your local hardware store for only a few dollars. Faucet aerators mix air into the water stream so that you use less water without noticing a difference in water pressure.

6. Reduce the length of showers

A warm shower can be quite relaxing, but lengthy showers can be quite consuming of water. It can be easy to lose track of time in the shower, so consider setting a timer on your phone to help keep your showers on time.


7. Turn off the water while brushing or shaving

When brushing your teeth or shaving, there is no need to continue to run the water. Only turn the water off when its time to rinse or clean your razor.

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