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Summer Storm Home Preparation Quiz

Summer Storm Home Preparation Quiz

Summer storms happen whether you are ready or not. Thunderstorms can produce tornados, strong wind, large hail, flooding, and lightning. Conditions can change rapidly when storms are overheard or close by. Therefore, preparing your house and family to deal with severe weather would be best. Take our Summer Storm Home Preparation Quiz to test your knowledge and see if you are ready for the summer storms ahead:  

1. Where is the safest place to be during a thunderstorm? Select all answers that apply.

a.     On your porch watching the storm.

b.     A sturdy building.

c.      Take shelter in a car with a metal top and sides if necessary. Do not touch anything metal.

d.     If boating or swimming, get to land quickly and find a sturdy, grounded shelter or vehicle immediately.


2.  Avoid flooded roadways. Turn Around Don’t Drown®. Just six inches of fast-moving water can knock you down, and one foot of moving water can sweep your vehicle away.

a.     True

b.     False


3. Showering during a thunderstorm is safe.

a.     True

b.     False


4. What should you do to prep your home before a storm? Select all answers that apply.

a.     Move outdoor furniture indoors or secure it.

b.     Have an emergency kit for your home.

c.      Leave essential possessions on the floor.

d.     Know your home insurance policy.


5. What is the number one leading cause to flood damage?

a.     Open doors.

b.     Cracks in the roof.

c.      Windows being left open.

d.     All of the above.

6. Which of the following items should be in your home emergency home kit?

a.     Flashlights and batteries

b.     Bottled water

c.      First Aid Kit

d.     All of the above


 1. Answers: b,c,d

During a storm, you should:

-When thunder roars, go indoors.

-A sturdy building is the safest place to be during a thunderstorm.

-When you receive a thunderstorm warning or hear thunder, go inside immediately.

-If boating or swimming, get to land quickly and find a sturdy, grounded shelter or vehicle immediately.

-If necessary, take shelter in a car with a metal top and sides. Do not touch anything metal.

To learn more, visit Safety: Summer Storm Prep, During, & After — The Wire by XOOM Energy


2.     Answer: a

Avoid flooded roadways. Turn Around Don’t Drown®. Just six inches of fast-moving water can knock you down, and one foot of moving water can sweep your vehicle away.


3.     Answer: b

If indoors, avoid running water or using landline phones. Electricity can travel through plumbing and phone lines.


4.     Answers: a,b,d

When prepping your home for a storm, you should have an emergency kit, keep all patio furniture, grills, etc., indoors before a summer storm hits, or secure them outdoors and contact your insurance company to be more familiar with your policy. To learn more, visit 10 Ways to Prep Your Property for Summer Storms — The Wire by XOOM Energy


5.     Answer: b

Get routine maintenance on your roof and the foundation. Cracks in the roof are the number one leading cause of flooding damage.


6.     Answer: d

Have an emergency kit with these items you probably already have in your home: flashlight(s), battery-powered weather radio, extra batteries to fit each electronic (including cell phone), non-perishable foods (canned goods and dry foods), lots of bottled water, can opener, first aid kit (with a disinfectant), fire extinguisher, blankets, extra clothes, sturdy shoes or boots, clock or watch, whistle to signal for help, important personal items (eyeglasses, prescriptions, etc.), and paper documents such as birth certificates, social security cards, and other significant legal papers.


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