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Stay Cool with Our Summer Energy Saving Tips

Stay Cool with Our Summer Energy Saving Tips

Summer brings soaring temperatures, but keeping your home cool doesn't have to cause your energy usage to soar! With a few strategic moves, you can conserve energy while keeping comfortable. We have some effective tips for beating the summer heat as effectively as possible.

Install a programmable thermostat.

Consider installing a programmable thermostat if you do not already have one. Using this device, you can set the temperature according to a schedule and it changes automatically when you leave or go to bed, significantly reducing your energy consumption.

Insulate and seal leaks.

Check your door and window seals for leaks. Keeping cool air inside where it belongs by weather-stripping and caulking leaks can reduce your energy bill by up to 10%. Consider adding insulation to your walls and attic for a more comfortable home.

Make use of ceiling fans.

Ceiling fans are a great way to circulate air and create a cooling breeze, making a room feel up to 4 degrees cooler. Use fans in addition to your air conditioning to spread cooled air more effectively throughout your home without lowering the thermostat.

Make shade trees part of your landscape.

Plant trees around your house to provide natural shade on your windows and roof. As deciduous trees lose their leaves in winter, they provide shade during summer and allow sunlight through during winter, reducing heating costs.

Optimize the A/C

Set your thermostat wisely. Aim for a comfortable but higher indoor temperature at home, and set it higher when you're away. Every degree you raise the setpoint can save you on your cooling costs. Keep up with maintenance. Regularly replacing or cleaning air conditioner filters can lower your energy consumption by 5% to 15%.

Smart Cooking

On hot days, avoid using your oven, as it can increase your kitchen's temperature. Instead, use cooking methods that generate less heat, such as microwaving, slow cooking, or grilling outside. 

Upgrade to energy-efficient appliances.

Consider replacing older appliances with energy-efficient models. Look for the ENERGY STAR® label when choosing air conditioners, fans, and other appliances to ensure top performance and energy savings.


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