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Outdoor Winter Safety Tips

Outdoor Winter Safety Tips

Winter is a great season for outdoor activities. Cold weather, ice, and snow come with some of the most fun activities, but also with their fair share of dangers. So whether you're planning sledding, snowmobiling, or just enjoying the great outdoors, you must stay safe while out in the cold. The following tips will help you and your family enjoy winter activities safely.

General Tips 

  • Take it easy. Cold puts extra strain on your heart. Heavy exertion such as shoveling snow, clearing debris, or pushing a car can increase the risk of a heart attack.

  • Don't overheat. Dress warmly, but peel layers as necessary to stay comfortable.

  • Slow down. Rest frequently to avoid overexertion when working outdoors. If you feel chest pain, stop. Seek help immediately.

  • Stay hydrated. Drink plenty of water before and while you are working and playing.

  • Stay alert. Know the signs of frostbite and hypothermia. Warm extremities frequently.

Frostbite and Hypothermia

Frostbite is the freezing of skin and extremities on the body. The nose, cheeks, ears, fingers, and toes (your extremities) are the most commonly affected. Everyone is susceptible, even people who have been living in cold climates for most of their lives.

In very cold weather, a person's body can lose heat faster than it can produce it. The result is hypothermia or abnormally low body temperature. It can make a person sleepy, confused, and clumsy. Because it happens gradually and affects one's thinking, it may not be immediately recognized. 

Hypothermia|Winter Weather (cdc.gov)

 Dress Warmly 

When going out to play in the snow, dress in snowsuits or layers of clothing, waterproof coats and boots, mittens or gloves, and a hat. Avoid cotton clothing or socks as they soak up water and offer little warmth. Body heat is lost through the head, so always wear a hat or hood. Cover your ears, too. They are easily subject to frostbite. Wearing gloves is also essential, and mittens are even better because fingers maintain warmth when they touch each other. Also, consider wearing a scarf to cover your mouth to protect your lungs from cold air.

 Winter Sports and Activities 

  • Check the weather forecasts. Winter weather can change quickly, so be prepared for anything. Carry backup clothing and supplies. Use the proper equipment. Be sure everything is in proper working condition before leaving home.

  • Wear the proper attire. Use clothing and gear designed for the activity. Don't wear loose items that can be snagged or caught in equipment or machinery.

  • Wear a helmet designed specifically for the activity.

  • Stay focused; commit 100 percent of your attention to the activity and the terrain. Rest when you are tired.

  • Hydrate often

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