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How to Stay Warm and Energy-Efficient This Winter

How to Stay Warm and Energy-Efficient This Winter

November has arrived, bringing the festive holiday spirit, family gatherings, and cold weather. Unfortunately, the winter season can also increase our energy usage. Our heating systems and lights run more than usual during these colder and darker months. Here are 9 smart and simple energy-saving tips you can implement to help you stay warm and energy-efficient this winter.

Eliminate Air Leaks and Drafts

Air sealing your home is simple, effective, and relatively inexpensive. Use caulk for cracks and openings between stationary objects like door and window frames. You can use weather stripping around anything that moves, like the door itself or window sashes.

Let the Sun in During the Day

The sun is a fantastic source of free heat. By opening your curtains and blinds during the daytime, you take advantage of the greenhouse effect and allow the sun to heat your home naturally.

Close the Curtains at Night

Unfortunately, windows can also be a source of heat loss, as they are not as well insulated as your walls. Therefore, close your curtains and blinds when the sun goes down to prevent cold chills from cooling your home. Also, consider purchasing insulated curtains to maximize the energy efficiency of your windows.

Use an Efficient Space Heater

An indoor space heater will heat small areas of your home directly with no heat lost in ducts or vents. This makes electric space heaters an energy-efficient method to keep warm. They are great for heating small areas of your home that you only occupy for short periods, like your office or bathroom. But, of course, your space heater will not be an effective way to heat your whole home – for that, you'll want to stick to using your furnace.

Close Doors and Vents in Unused Rooms

If you have a room in your house that people rarely enter, you're wasting valuable energy heating it in the wintertime. Instead, close off all vents in the room and shut all doors. This will prevent you from paying to heat uninhabited space.

Install Energy-Saving Technology

We rely heavily on electrical lighting during the long, dark winter nights. Help conserve energy by installing automatic timers, motion sensors, and dimmers at your house.

Bundle Up

Before reaching for the thermostat, put on a layer of warm clothes. Raising your body temperature via warm clothing is more cost-effective than turning your heater up a few notches. Winter is the time to battle the cold with a cozy sweater, warm bottoms, and socks while at home. We lose up to 45% of heat through our heads, so consider wearing a comfortable beanie at home too. Snuggle up with a blanket while leisurely watching television, surfing the internet, or reading. Be sure to tuck yourself in under a thick blanket or comforter at night.

Choose LED Lights for Your Home and Decorations

Consider using LED lights if you're planning an elaborate light show this holiday season. LED lights are the most energy-efficient lighting option currently available. They use 75% less energy than standard incandescent lights and last 25 times longer. LED Lighting | Department of Energy

Get a Smart Thermostat

They don't call it a "smart" thermostat for nothing! Smart thermostats connect to Wi-Fi and learn your preferences and habits to establish a schedule that intuitively modifies to temperatures that save energy when you are out of your home or fast asleep.


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