Energy Insights: 5 Energy-Efficiency Tips for Remote Learning
Back to School looks much different this fall, as many schools have decided to go with Remote Learning to start the 2020-2021 school year. With students of all ages possibly remote learning for the foreseeable future and parents still working from home, families are understandably questioning how they are going to manage multiple workstations. Adding workstations for each family member may increase your home energy usage. Use these 5 energy-efficiency tips for your family's remote learning space to help save on your monthly energy bill.
Use an advanced power strip
When working at home you may be using more than just a computer, but also a printer/copier, scanner, phone or charger, and other electronics. It’s more important than ever to use advanced power strips to ensure these devices aren't drawing power when they're not in use.
Use a Laptop
A laptop is almost always more energy-efficient than a desktop computer if you have the choice.
Unplug it
Unplug everything you're not using, including not just office equipment but everyday devices on standby that is sapping “vampire” or “phantom” or energy.
Take advantage of natural light
Especially during the day, it’s easy to forget to turn off lights in rooms, not in use. Open drapes or blinds in your remote learning room or wherever you're working, even if it doesn't get direct sunlight. Natural light is known to boost mood and productivity.
Close the Fridge
Minimize the number of times the refrigerator is open and don’t leave the door open for prolonged periods. The average refrigerator is opened 33 times a day (and much more if you have teenagers at home).