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8 Key Tips for Saving Energy in Your Home This Fall

8 Key Tips for Saving Energy in Your Home This Fall

After such a scorching summer, some of us may be looking forward to the cooler weather of the fall season! While the warm temperatures still linger for some of us, it is important to start thinking about saving energy on the cooler days ahead. This fall, keep costs down and stay warm with these helpful energy-saving tips:


Lower Your Homes Thermostat

A simple way to save energy in the fall is to use your heating system less. Keeping your thermostat between 68 and 70 ℉ (20 and 21 ° C) during the day and lowering it even more at night will help you use less energy to heat your home.

People often forget to turn down their thermostats at night. With a smart thermostat, you don't have to rely on your memory to set the temperature. Instead, the thermostat will change the temperature according to the schedule you set.

Seal Cracks, Leaks, and Drafts 

Before it gets too cold, check your windows and doors for gaps and open areas that could let heat out or cold in. Weatherstripping and caulking before you're in the thick of winter will contribute to significant savings if you catch the drafts in time. DIY Seal Air Leaks with Caulk


Take Advantage of Natural Light 

Natural light is an overlooked source of free heat for many homeowners. Open your windows when the sun shines so your rooms can get natural heat. In addition, natural light provides numerous health advantages, including improved vision, better sleep, and a better mood.


Don't Forget the Fireplace.

Everyone enjoys a cozy fire, but chimneys can let heat escape from your house when it is not in use. So be sure to keep fireplace dampers closed when you're not using it, and schedule professional chimney maintenance before lighting the first fire of the season. A dirty chimney poses a severe risk of catching fire, and it can also leak carbon monoxide into the air.


Replace your indoor air filter

This tip is helpful year-round but is one that can be easily forgotten. When dust and dirt build-up on HVAC filters, it makes the entire system work harder than it needs to, therefore using more energy. Set a reminder to change your filters monthly or sign up for a subscription so your filters stay dirt- and allergen-free, keeping your system working optimally.


Reverse Your ceiling fans

We think of ceiling fans as a tool to cool us down, but they can also work to keep us warm. When you set the fan's direction to turn clockwise, it pushes the warm air that has risen to the ceiling back down into the room. It also helps to redistribute the air, so the air from the vents reaches all parts of the room rather than having warmer and cooler air pockets in different areas.


Have Your Heating System Serviced

When your heating system works at its best, it is most energy efficient. A vital step to ensure this is to schedule service and maintenance of your heating system once every fall season. Routine maintenance will identify and repair leaks or other problems, clear up the ducts, and ensure that the heating works perfectly.


Consider a humidifier.

The health benefits are known, but the Fall/Winter energy savings you can get from a humidifier can be as high as 20%. In addition, dry air does not hold heat well, so adding water vapor from a humidifier balances the humidity. As a result, moist air feels warmer and prevents your heater from working overtime. Therefore, a humidifier can help you and your home feel comfortable when your thermostat is set at a lower temperature helping keep your utility bills lower. You can see more benefits of the humidifier here: 5 Benefits of Using a Humidifier This Winter.


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