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Energy Insights: 8 Energy-Efficient Ways to Keep Your Home Warm This Winter

Energy Insights: 8 Energy-Efficient Ways to Keep Your Home Warm This Winter

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Winter is fast approaching, and the temperatures are falling. So, get ready for winter by following these home energy-saving tips that will reduce your home energy usage and will keep you warm and comfortable at the same time.

Service your heating system before the cold weather hits.

Have your system serviced before the winter season. Your system may last years longer, and your chances of a break-down will be reduced with regular maintenance.

Don't heat space you don't use.

Close the vents and shut the doors to infrequently used rooms, and open them when you need them. By minimizing the space that you heat, you can save on the energy used.

Eliminate Air Leaks and Drafts.

Air sealing your home is simple, effective, and relatively inexpensive. Caulking and weather stripping will usually pay for themselves in energy savings within a year. Use caulk for cracks and openings between stationary objects like door and window frames.

Close Doors and Vents in Unused Rooms.

Have a guest room you don't use unless the in-laws are in town? Maybe the kids are away at college. Whatever the reason, if you have a room in your house that people rarely enter, you're wasting valuable energy heating it in the wintertime. Close off all vents in the room and shut all doors. Doing this  will prevent you from paying to heat uninhabited space.

Don't get burned by water heating costs.

Your water heater can account for 14% to 25% of the energy consumed in your home, according to energy.gov. Make sure you have an energy-efficient model and turn it down to 120°F to save.

Turn the Thermostat Down.

According to the U.S. Department of Energy, you can save 10% on your energy costs just by turning your thermostat down 10 to 15 degrees for eight hours a day. Also, turn down your thermostat when no one is home and when everyone is asleep.

Get a Smart Thermostat.

A smart thermostat is a Wi-Fi-enabled device that automatically adjusts temperature settings in your home for peak energy efficiency. These devices learn your habits and preferences and establish a schedule that automatically adjusts to energy-saving temperatures when you are asleep or away.

Use Space Heaters.

If you only need to heat a small area, try using a space heater. Electric space heaters are a very energy-efficient way to stay warm because there is no heat loss through ducts or combustion. Space heaters are excellent for heating closed-off areas that you only occupy for shorter periods, like your garage or that bathroom that's always colder than every other room in the house for some reason. However, when heating your entire home, space heaters are less efficient than a natural gas furnace or a heat pump.

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