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Energy Saving Summer Recipes for the Grill

Energy Saving Summer Recipes for the Grill

It’s summertime!  The warm weather brings the beach, kids home from school, vacations, AND summer food!  Grilling is a popular summer cooking style and one of the best ways to bring out flavor in all types of food.  Here are more great benefits of grilling:

  • Grilling is more efficient and uses less energy than using your stove top or oven.

  • Minimal cleanup means you’ll use less hot water. You won’t have to run the dishwasher or use hot water to wash pots and pans.

  • You’re helping keep the inside of your home cool and comfy by not adding the extra heat from the stove and oven to your house.

TheWire is bringing you a few of our favorite energy saving summer grillingrecipes.

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