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5 Ways to Go Green on Cinco de Mayo

5 Ways to Go Green on Cinco de Mayo

Cinco De Mayo, the well-known festival of Mexican heritage and culture is right around the corner. This is such an amazingly colorful and fun holiday to celebrate with its bright flags and mariachi music.   Here are 5 ways to GO GREEN with your Cinco De Mayo bash!  


Visit your local taqueria (taco shop) for your party refreshments!

Buy local and organic food.  Supporting local businesses boosts your local economy. Local businesses are owned by people who live in this community and are more invested in the community’s future.

Use bio-degradable wooden cutlery.

Skip the plastic and use bio-degradable!

Decorate Green!

Utilize dessert succulents like cactus, aloe-vera, and yucca for table décor and use them in your home after the party!  You can also upcycle glass bottles using them as vases with brightly colored paper flowers.


Encourage your guests to carpool, bike, walk, or use public transportation.

Recycle after the Celebration

After the shindig is over recycle all your glass bottles, paper, and other recyclable items. (ref: ecopartytime.com)

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