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7 Ways to Make Gardening Fun for the Family

7 Ways to Make Gardening Fun for the Family

It’s never too early to start teachingyour kids the value of a garden and how to take care of plants, herbs, fruitsand vegetables.  Plus, it a great outside activity!  Not only will gardening help your children learn to love vegetables, but it will also help them learn carefor other things, sustainability, and have a sense of responsibility.  Valuable life skills and family time happenin the garden!


Get your kids involved in every step of theprocess!

  1. Have them help you pick out which vegetables to grow

  2. Get them to help you plant everything.

  3. Everyday have them help you water, weed, and check on the plants.

  4. Teach them how to harvest your bounty

  5. Give them their own space – Allow the kids to dig, water, experiment, play withworms, and generally get dirty!


Activities for a child in the garden 

Choose activities that suit the child’s age. Suggestions include:

  • Watering the garden

  • Digging

  • Picking flowers

  • Planting vegetables, fruits and flowers in the correct season

  • Feeding the worms

  • Picking vegetables and fruits when they are ready to eat

  • Preparing healthy food, such as making salads and preparing school lunches

  • Craft activities using harvested seeds, plants and flowers

  • Composting, recycling, and mulching

  • Weeding

  • Gathering seeds and dried flowers

  • Deadheading flowers

  • Replanting and re-potting.


What can I plant with kids?

Plant easy to care foritems that tend to be prolific. The idea here is not to grow enough of any oneitem for any kind of a sizable harvest, but instead to encourage your children to learn and be involved.  These items are easy favorites to grow and usually produce a lot of bounty!

  • Carrots

  • Baby Cucumbers

  • Cherry Tomatoes

  • French Beans

  • SugarSnap Peas

  • Salad Greens

  • Spinach

  • Strawberries

  • Zucchini



Remember, the idea here is not to have a perfect garden. The idea is to have fun! So relax and have fun getting dirty with your kiddos! Give them their own space – Allow the kids to dig, water, experiment, play with worms, and generally get dirty! 

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