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So Fresh and So Clean (AND GREEN!)-12 Ways to Go Green with Laundry

So Fresh and So Clean (AND GREEN!)-12 Ways to Go Green with Laundry

Going Green at home can sound like a big task!  However, there are easy ways to help your home become more energy efficient.  The laundry room is a huge energy sucking vampire, but also has a lot of potential to cut energy costs and be So Fresh and SO GREEN!  The Wire is bringing you 12 ways to Go Green with Laundry!


Wash only full loads.

Use the energy to wash manyitems, instead of just a few articles of clothing.

Wash less often.

Wearing your clothing a few more times will save energy, even if you have to run the machine a few extra minutes for heavily soiled clothing.

Wash in cold water.

You'll use less energyreheating water for your water heater.

Purchase a front-load washer.

As well as using less water, the movement of the clothing is much more efficient in cleaning.

Keep your machine level and steady.

Unbalanced legs on amachine can cause it to work harder and wear down faster. And excessivevibration can cause wear and tear and inefficient usage.


Maintain your machine.

As with dishwashers, regular maintenance is important to extend the life of your appliance.

Keep the lint filter clean.

Empty it after each use and wash it regularly. Warm soapy water 2-3 times a year will prevent the build-up of oils, soaps or dryer sheet film that will clog your filter and reduce your dryer's efficiency.

Don't overload the dryer.

Too many clothes reduce the dryer's efficiency by taking longer to dry.

Don't over dry clothing.

Use a moisture sensor or test the clothing yourself and set the machine to the shortest drying cycle.

Dry separately.

Heavy materials, such as towels or jeans, should be dried separately from lightweight clothing, which will dry faster on their own.

Ensure proper ventilation.

Most energy saving tips tell you to prevent drafts but few tell you to watch for proper ventilation. Poor ventilation can cause overheating and lower the machine's efficiency, as well as increase the air temperature in your home and cause an increase in your air conditioning consumption.

Dry loads back-to-back.

A large part of the energy use of dryers is in getting them hot. Drying loads back-to-back will minimize the need for reheating after cooling.

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